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We care We take responsibility for our environment

Within the framework of the EMAS Regulation, we enforce and comply with all applicable laws and regulations, both at site and product levels. We advise our suppliers to review the statutory basis and, if necessary, to take appropriate measures to act in accordance with the law. We check this at regular intervals by means of our supplier audits. In this way, violations of applicable law should be excluded from the outset.

Furthermore, Wesemann is well aware of its responsibility for environmentally friendly production. In the field of environmental protection, Wesemann not only operates an open information policy, but goes a step further. Specifically, as part of the development of environmental policy, not only employees, but also customers, suppliers, stakeholders from the political environment, as well as non-governmental organizations were interviewed regarding their assessments and expectations concerning future environmental management at Wesemann.


On this basis we have defined our environmental policy with care:

  • Wesemann sees operational environmental protection as an essential corporate task. We therefore strive for a steady improvement in our environmental performance.  
  • Compliance with laws and official regulations and requirements is a matter of course for Wesemann. In doing so, we aim to implement measures that go beyond the minimum statutory requirements.
  • Environmental management is a management task, with the aim of sensitizing employees to environmental issues. For this purpose, our employees are trained and encouraged to actively participate in corporate environmental protection, in order to live/experience the topic in the daily operating procedures.
  • The testing of new developments for their environmental compatibility is a central concern.  Here, suppliers are encouraged to employ environmentally friendly techniques and materials and have to prove this.
  • The constant pursuit of meaningful ways of conserving resources in the use of materials and energy is just as much a part of the principles as is the avoidance of emissions, waste and waste water, as well as the recycling of valuable substances into the raw material cycle, in order to consistently reduce the environmental impact.

In order to be able to measure progress in concrete terms, we set ourselves concrete goals, pursue the necessary implementation measures and compare them regularly and systematically with the best available state-of-the-art.

Wesemann has developed four main strategic areas of action that are continuously monitored and subjected to an improvement process: Material Use & Resource Conservation, Energy & Emissions, Waste & Recycling, and Ecological Process Optimization.


We request our contract partners to support us in our efforts and work in an environmentally friendly way.

Do you need help?

Do you have any questions?

Please call us:
Mo-Fr, 7:30 - 17:00h:
+49 42 42 594 - 0

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