We care – More transparency for ecological product information
In the area of environment and sustainability, Wesemann has set itself the goal of being a leading company in the industry. In this context we have opted for unrestricted product transparency. We build on the traceability and comparability of results on the basis of European and international standards and their evaluation procedures to examine and assess the products from an environmental aspect, from the origin to disposal. The life cycle evaluation process provides us with important figures and insights that serve as a basis for targeted and measurable optimization of our eco-design approach and, at the same time, make our environmental performance comprehensible and transparent to others throughout the entire life cycle of our products.
The Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a globally recognized eco-label (Type III) according to ISO 14025, which in Germany a.a. is produced by the Institute for Building and Environment (Bauen und Umwelt e. V. (IBU)). At the heart of an EDP is the Life Cycle Evaluation, which examines the entire life cycle in terms of environmental impact and describes it on the basis of internationally recognized indicators (e.g. CO2 and water footprint). At the same time, technical product characteristics, applicable product and environmental standards (e.g. REACH) and other site-related conditions (incl. product manufacture and installation) are placed in the context of the results. As a result, the end consumer receives important criteria in a central document that is, prior to publication, critically reviewed by external third parties in terms of content and form.
An EPD ensures an objective ecological comparison between different product systems, allowing our customers to make informed decisions based on verified data and facts.
We are convinced that, within a few years, EPDs will become the standard for ecological product information. We support this development and will offer EPDs for a large number of our products.
Next, and especially for the area of sustainable building, the “Green Building”, Wesemann GmbH has its products pre-evaluated and the results presented in so-called profiles. It can be seen in which building certification system of sustainable construction our products meet the requirements of the systems. The main focus here is on the following certification systems:
- Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
- Evaluation system for sustainable building for federal buildings (BNB) and the German Seal of Quality for Sustainable Building (DGNB), as well as
- Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (BREEAM).
We will gladly send you our BNB / DGNB profile in the form of an information brochure for the “Sustainable Building Evaluation System” and the “German Seal of Quality for Sustainable Building” upon request.