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We care Help to shape the environment

Products are always associated with their effect on the environment or human health. The fact that the ecologically-friendly design (eco-design) of products makes a significant contribution to the improvement of the environmental situation was already recognized by the European Union in 2005 and published in the Ecodesign Directive (current version: 2009/125/EG). This concept of environmentally-friendly product design forms, for the first time, the framework within Europe for binding minimum eco-design requirements in the area of energy-related products. These guidelines already apply in the product design phase, as it is here that the majority of the environmental effects emanating from products are predetermined.

Wesemann systematically extends this purely energetically-focused approach to the materials used in the products. Our approach thus begins with the selection of raw materials and the associated origin of the materials, which we – at the moment in the form of intermediate products and components – use in our manufacturing processes. For Wesemann, manufacturer responsibility does not end with the installation at the customer’s site, but extends from the use of the products and their re-use options to the disposal of the product systems at the end of their lives. These life cycle analyses enable us to incorporate the most economically-ecologically sensible results into product development. For example, energy efficiency played an important role in the development of our fume cupboards. The design was adapted in such a way that a lower volume flow – and therefore noticeably lower power consumption – could be realized for optimal pollutant retention.

Eco-design helps us, even in the planning and design phase, to reduce potential environmental impacts throughout the entire life cycle. Of course, we always ensure that the high quality of our products is consistently guaranteed. We consider the consideration of these aspects as indispensable for a sustainable development in the laboratory area. Produkte sind immer auch mit Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt oder die Gesundheit von Menschen verbunden. Das die umweltgerechte Gestaltung (Ökodesign) von Produkten einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Umweltsituation leistet, hat auch bereits in 2005 die Europäische Union erkannt und die Ökodesign-Richtlinie (aktuelle Version: 2009/125/EG) in veröffentlicht. Dieses Konzept der umweltgerechten Gestaltung von Produkten bildet innerhalb Europas erstmals den Rahmen für verbindliche Ökodesign-Mindestanforderungen im Bereich der energieverbrauchsrelevanten Produkte. Die Richtlinie setzt dabei bereits in der Phase der Produktgestaltung an, da hier der Großteil der von Produkten ausgehenden Umweltwirkungen vorbestimmt wird.

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